We have recently refreshed our branding across our offerings and changed the names of our pricing plans. If you have signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.
We assure you that this change will not impact your product experience, and no action is required on your part.

Once you have setup the portal the way you like and saved your changes, you can make your FreshTheme public and share it with the community. Other Freshdesk users who love your theme will then be able to reuse your design, or customize it a bit more to suit their specific needs. 

The Anatomy of your FreshTheme

Your FreshTheme is a zip file with all the necessary code, assets and documentation. Your zip file must ideally contain 16 liquid template files, 1 style sheet, images, javascript and other assets, and your readme docs as text files. Here is what you should remember to put in to your theme file, and the naming conventions you should use for them:

How you should save the file What the file should have
Stylesheet.txt The content in "Stylesheet" text area
Header.txt The content under "Header" in Portal Layout
Footer.txt The content under "Footer" in Portal Layout
PageLayout.txt The content under "Page Layout" in Portal Layout
PortalHome.txt Content under "Portal Home" text area in Portal Pages
NewUser.txt Content under "New User" text area in Portal Pages
LoginPage.txt Content under "Login Page" text area in Portal Pages
SearchResults.txt Content under "Search Results" text area in Portal Pages
SolutionsHome.txt Content under "Solutions Home" text area in Portal Pages
ArticleList.txt Content under "Article List" text area in Portal Pages
ArticleView.txt Content under "Article View" text area in Portal Pages
SolutionsCategoryHome.txt Content under "Solutions Category Home" text area in Portal Pages
DiscussionsHome.txt Content under "Discussions Home" text area in Portal Pages
TopicList.txt Content under "Topic List" text area in Portal Pages
TopicView.txt Content under "Topic View" text area in Portal Pages
NewTopic.txt Content under "New Topic" text area in Portal Pages
NewTicket.txt Content under "New Ticket" text area in Portal Pages

Additionally remember to include a readme file with instructions on how to use / modify your FreshTheme. If your theme needs any special images or external javascript to run, you should include that in separate folders and provide explicit instructions on how to use them as well.

    Before you create your text files and get ready to share your zip, make sure you test your theme. 

    Once you have the ZIP file ready, you can go ahead and upload it to the FreshThemes Gallery in the Freshdesk Forums. A few quick pointers when you share your FreshTheme in the FreshThemes Gallery:

    1. Give it a nice name.

    2. Briefly describe your theme - who is it for, what does it do, why is it oozing with awesome.

    3. If you have a live demo of your theme, you might want to share the link here as well.

    3. Upload a snapshot of your theme. This will be used for both the preview of your theme, and as a thumbnail in the gallery.

    4. Upload your FreshThemes zip file.

    5. Save your theme submission.