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This feature is available in Forest Omnichannel

The process of training Freddy Answers is iterative and needs to be consistent. Follow these steps to make Freddy Answers effective for your business.

  • Create a question and an answer
  • Trigger a bot flow or transfer the chat to an agent, if there’s a need
  • Add different examples of how the question can be asked
  • Preview and test Freddy Answers performance for that question
  • Draw insights to improve the quality of questions and answers
  • Repeat.


Adding answers

  • Start writing answers to all the commonly asked questions by clicking on the New Answer button.
  • You can type in a question that your customers ask you and we'll show you any existing questions that are similar to the question you typed in.

  • If the questions are similar, you can mark them as similar. Freddy will understand that these are variations of the same question and will show the same answer for all variations of the same question.
  • If there are no existing questions that are similar to the question you typed in, you can go ahead and click on the Add an answer button. You can now set up a bot reply, a bot flow, or an agent handoff. 


  • Bot replies can be formatted to be bold, italicized, or underlined. You can also insert links. Once you're satisfied with the bot reply, click on the Save changes button.

Adding example questions

  • As customers can ask the same question in different ways, it’s essential to add different variants or examples of the same question and train the bot to deliver accurate answers, no matter how customers phrase it. 

  • Based on customer conversations, Freddy Answers will suggest a list of variants for each question. You can either approve or reject them.
  • It’s also recommended to train Freddy Answers to recognize questions your customers have not yet asked, by manually adding examples for each question.
  • You can also add questions in all the languages that you've set up in Freshdesk. Click here to learn more about adding multiple languages to Freshdesk.  The languages that are available for you to train the bot are visible on the right sidebar.
  • Depending on the questions that customers ask in each language, you can set up the respective answers. The answers are independent of each other and you can set up any number of answers in each of the languages you offer support in. The answers that you set up for each language is used to train the bot specifically in that language.

Transfer to an agent 

There will be times when Freddy might come across questions that it isn't equipped to answer. You can make sure that such conversations are handed off to a human agent to speed up resolution and improve customer experience. You can choose to transfer certain conversations to a human agent without the customer having to request one.

  • First, identify the questions where an agent’s involvement is necessary.
  • For example, if a customer asks, “How much discount do you offer on bulk orders?”, having an agent to interact with the customer to negotiate better pricing seems ideal.

  • In such cases, Click on the Hand over to an agent button. Freddy Answers will collect the name and the email address of the customer before transferring the chat to an agent. This will help agents follow up with customers in case the chat gets disconnected.

Triggering bot flows in Freddy Answers

Click here to know how to trigger bot flows in Freddy Answers

Preview Freddy Answers performance

After adding answers to a question, you can test the performance of Freddy Answers for that question by clicking on Preview at the top-right corner of the screen. This helps you test if the relevant answer and flows are triggered by Freddy Answers for that question.

You can also test the overall Freddy Answers performance by clicking on Try your bot at the bottom-left corner in the Freddy Answers configuration page. 

Improving Freddy Answers performance

Freddy Answers provides suggestions on creating effective questions and answers based on its performance. This includes:

  • Suggesting questions for which no answers exist today
  • Suggesting similar questions for an existing question and answer pair
  • Suggestions questions that are underperforming i.e. the ones that created a ticket in Freshdesk or were marked unhelpful by the customer.

The labels Unanswered, Improve Coverage and Underperforming indicate the next best action you need to take to improve the quality of questions and answers.

Unanswered: The questions for which the bot could not find an effective answer will be labeled as unanswered. It’s an indication that an answer has to be created for these questions.

Improve coverage: This label appears when Freddy Answers

  • learns from customer conversation to find similar questions that can be mapped to the original question asked by the customer.
  • prompts you to manually add more examples of the same question.

This helps deliver precise answers to customers no matter how they phrase a question.

Underperforming: Answers in which the number of downvotes, is higher than 10% of the total votes, will be labeled as underperforming. It’s an indication that the answer isn’t helpful and needs to be changed.

There is no sync for Freddy Answers between Freshdesk and Freshchat, i.e. the answers and flows you create in Freshdesk will not be visible in Freshchat and vice versa.