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The first piece in your FreshThemes jigsaw puzzle is laying out your forums right. You probably want your customers to get a quick snapshot of your latest, or most popular forum topics on the homepage of your support portal, and get a more detailed view when they land on the Forums page.

Placeholders for Forum Categories


Return Type

What they mean

forum_category.namestringReturns the name of forum categories
forum_category.descriptionstringReturns the description of forum categories
forum_category.idnumberUnique ID of the forum category
forum_category.urlurlURL pointing to a forum category
forum_category.forumscollection of forumsForums in the category based on visibility
forum_category.forums_countforumForums count in the category based on visibility

Placeholders for a specific Forum


Return Type

What they mean

forum.namestringName of the forum
forum.descriptionstringDescription of the forum
forum.urlurlURL pointing to the forum
forum.idnumberUnique ID of the forum
forum.type_namestringType of the forum (announcement, ideas, problems, questions)
filter list   
forum.current_topic_filterstringCurrently selected forum filter. Will work only in the respective filters page
Will return a hash with the below details
  • filter.name translated label of the filter

  • filter.url url link to the filter
forum.forum_categoryforum categoryCategory in which the forum is present
forum.topicslist of topicsList of topics in the forum
forum.topics_countnumberCount of all topics in the forum
forum.planned_topicstopicPlanned topics that are available only for a ideas forum


forum.implemented_topicstopicImplemented topics that are available only for a ideas forum
forum.nottaken_topicstopicNot taken topics that are available only for a ideas forum
forum.inprogresstopicIn progress topics that are available only for a ideas forum
forum.deferredtopicDeferred topics that are available only for a ideas forum

Placeholders for a specific Topic

Return Type
What they mean
topic.titlestringTitle of the forum topic
topic.idnumberUnique ID of the forum topic
topic.stampstringStamp of the forum (planned, inprogress, deferred, implemented, not taken) comes only for forum type as ideas
topic.useruserUser who created the topic
topic.created_ondate/timeThe timestamp denoting when the topic was created
topic.votesnumberNo. of votes on a forum topic (can be “I like this idea”, “I have this question” or “I have this problem”)
topic.viewsnumberNo. of views on a forum topic
 merge boolean 
topic.locked?booleanReturns true or false based on whether the topic is locked or not
topic.sticky?booleanReturns true or false based on whether the topic is a sticky (that will appear on the top)
topic.answered?booleanReturns true or false based on whether the topic has been answered to or not
topic.has_commentsbooleanReturns true or false, used to check if the topic has any comments or not
topic.postspostList of posts inside the topic
topic.comment_countnumberNumber of comments that have been created under a topic
topic.first_postpostThe first post in the topic, which was created by the original creator
topic.last_postpostThe last reply of the topic which is the latest in the list
topic.urlurlURL to a particular topic in the forum
topic.forumforumThe forum in which a topic is contained
topic.attachmentsattachmentThe attachments that have been made to a topic
topic.last_post_urlurlURL to the last reply made to the forum topic
topic.voted_by_current_userbooleanForum topics in which users have voted (can be “I like this idea”, “I have this question” or “I have this problem”)
topic.like_urlurlThe URL used to like a particular topic.  Need to use a data-method=”put” attribute in the link to work.
topic.unlike_urlurlThe URL used to unlike a particular topic.  Need to use a data-method=”put” attribute in the link to work.
my_topicsstringList of topics that have been created or currently being followed by the user
my_topics_countnumberNumber of topics that have been created or currently being followed by the user

Placeholders for a specific Post in the topic

Return Type
What they mean
post.idnumberUnique ID of the post
post.bodystringPlain text version of the post
post.body_htmlhtmlHtml version of the post
post.created_ondate/timeTime stamp referring to when the post was originally created
post.useruserInformation about the user who created the post
post.topictopicThe topic in which the post is contained
post.answer?booleanReturns true or false based on whether there can be answers on the post or not
post.attachmentsattachmentThe attachment(s) that are available in the post
post.urlurlThe unique URL of the post  

Here's the list of placeholders for other categories such as, General Portal Information, Managing User Access, Access to Solutions, Accessing Attachments and Using Snippets for critical behaviour.