If you signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.

As your support portal collects personal details like name, email, and phone number, it is essential to protect this information from 3rd-parties with malicious intentions. Securing your domain with an SSL certificate encrypts the data your customers enter in your support portal, so only you will be able to read this data. When secured with an SSL certificate, your portal address will automatically change from http://  to https://  

Default portal URL

If you are using a domain provided by Freshdesk (i.e., your portal address ends with “ .freshdesk.com “), your support portal is automatically secured by default.

Custom portal URL

If you host your support portal on a custom domain and don't have an SSL certificate, you can request a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt in your Portal Settings.

Requesting SSL certificate

To request an SSL certificate in the new Freshdesk Portal, 

  1. Go to Admin > Portal.
  2. Select the required portal and click on the Portal Settings tab.
  3. Type your custom domain under the Portal URL and click on 'Enable SSL'.
  4. The Freshworks SSL certificate will automatically be approved and published for your domain. 


Once the SSL certificate is published, the icon next to the Portal URL will be in green, meaning your portal is secured.

Before SSL Certificate is enabled: 

After SSL Certificate is enabled: 

Older version of Freshdesk

If you are on the older version of the Freshdesk Portal, then follow the below steps to request an SSL certificate,

  1. Go to Admin > Channels > Portals > Select the required portal.
  2. Type your custom domain under the 'Portal URL' and click on 'Enable SSL.'
  3. The Freshworks SSL certificate will automatically be approved and published for your domain.
  4. Once the SSL certificate is published, the icon next to the Portal URL will be green, which means your portal is secured.

Please reach out to support@freshdesk.com if you need any further assistance.