As more and more users embrace the power of Freshdesk Analytics, it is time for us to transition away from the legacy Reports module. You must have received an email informing you that the The Legacy Reports module has been deprecated by the last week of January 2024.

With the all-new Freshdesk Analytics, you will spend less time building reports and more time deriving insights and operationalizing the results. With the all-new Analytics capabilities, you can:

  • Monitor helpdesk productivity
  • Measure customer satisfaction
  • Optimize agent workload
  • Improve service efficiency
  • Resolve tickets faster

Here’s how Analytics is better than Legacy Reports with respect to configurations, self-serviceability, data coverage, and sharing capabilities.  

Parameter of differentiation
Legacy ReportsAnalytics Feature additions with Analytics 


Predefined reports: A defined set of reports, on top of which you can filter and view filtered data and park reports.

Curated reports: Ability to create custom reports by either duplicating curated reports or starting from scratch.

Create new widgets

Create new reports

Widget colors

Data Coverage

Default reports with only filter capabilities: Tickets, timesheet, and CSAT.

Can create custom reports that can contain metrics from across modules  

Create custom metrics/reports from 








Canned responses

Custom Reporting
Can only apply filters on the existing reports

Ability to create curated reports and park custom reports by cloning curated reports or creating them from scratch

Custom Attributes

Custom Metrics

Custom Reports

Chart typesCharts are pre-defined

Create custom reports and visualize the data in the required format

Custom reports
Data visualization using heatmaps, bar charts, and more.
StylingNo data styling

Conditional formatting and more control over the look and feel of the widget and data displayed.

Data-styling on




Widget header

Exports / Downloads
Share via CSV

Invite users to collaborate to manage, view, edit, and slice and dice reports on the go, eliminating the need for CSV exports.

Analytics collaboration with user privileges

Schedule a report

Schedule predefined or saved reports.

Schedule widgets from custom reports as a PDF.

Schedule at the Widget level


Filtering on the report level with a defined set of filters.

Apply filters to pages, widgets, and reports based on custom date ranges, ticket properties, knowledge base article properties, and tags.

Page Filters

Widget Filters

Report Filters

Schedule settings

Can see the schedule in every report with the same calendar icon that turns green to show it is scheduled.

Consolidated view of scheduled reports Analytics > Settings > ScheduleAll your Scheduled reports are in one place

Legacy Reports vs. Analytics: Legacy reports are being deprecated, while analytics replacing legacy reports come with a latency of 30 minutes and cannot be used for real-time monitoring.

Real-Time vs. Historical Data: Legacy reports display real-time data for the selected time period, capturing assigned tickets within that timeframe. Analytics reports show both historical and real-time data with a latency of 30 minutes, potentially leading to differences.

  • Legacy reports capture only the number of tickets assigned to agents within the specified time. Analytics reports capture tickets assigned, reassigned, and unassigned within the same timeframe, potentially resulting in higher numbers.
  • Analytics counts a ticket as assigned if it was assigned to the agent at least once during the specified period.
  • Analytics reports include tickets that were assigned, reassigned, and unassigned during the selected timeframe, contributing to potential difference in numbers when compared to legacy reports.
  • Analytics reports may show higher ticket numbers due to the inclusion of reassigned and unassigned tickets during the selected period.

It's important to understand these differences when comparing ticket statistics between legacy reports and the report from analytics.

Please reach out to for any further queries.