The Zendesk import tool supports the import of the following configurations: 

1. Users (Contacts)

2. Companies

3. Agents

4. Knowledge base

5. Forums 

Note: This app is available only in stand-alone Freshdesk and is not compatible with Freshworks Customer Service Suite.

Before you import your data from Zendesk here are a few things that you’ll need to know: 

Users, Companies & Agents

  1. Up to 300 companies per contact are supported.

  2. Facebook contacts will be imported as regular email-based contacts with a dummy email id assigned to them. For all Facebook tickets, the source will be set as 'portal' and tagged as 'Facebook'

  3. All email notifications to Agents and Contacts will be disabled while the import is running. We recommend that you use this tool during non-business hours.

Note: It is mandatory to import Users, Companies and Agents to successfully migrate your tickets.


  1. Tickets with a subject line of more than 256 characters will be truncated.
  2. Zendesk API does not allow us to fetch deleted tickets and will, therefore, be skipped during import. 
  3. If you have more agents than the number of seats you have purchased on Freshdesk, the agents will be added as occasional agents post-import. 
  4. The maximum size of the sum of all attachments (tickets and solution articles) should be less than 15 MB. If any of your attachments are greater than 15 MB, your attachments will be skipped entirely. 

Knowledge Base & Forums

  1. If multilingual support is enabled in Zendesk, only the primary language will be imported. We will not be able to bring other language articles into Freshdesk in this version.  
  2. Inline images in Zendesk will not be imported into Freshdesk (will be handled soon).
  3. Hyperlinks within Zendesk articles will not be considered. 


  1. Custom fields will automatically be created when importing to Freshdesk. If a field is already present on Freshdesk with the same name as in Zendesk, then it will be updated to the same state as Zendesk.
  2. When importing, the migration tool will ensure that the fields you use on Zendesk will be imported into a brand new Freshdesk account (i.e. a Freshdesk account that does not have any fields except default fields).  If you have created fields on Freshdesk already, please make sure to use the same number of fields and types of ticket properties (single line text, dropdown, etc.) on Freshdesk for the migration to be foolproof. 

Here's a summary of what we cannot import: 

  • If the attachment size per note/reply on a ticket or a solution article is greater than 15 MB, then none of the attachments will be migrated.
  • Spam tickets on Zendesk

  • Channel configuration, Macros, Triggers, Email notifications, Canned responses, and Integration configurations

  • Any contact without an Email, Phone number, Twitter ID, or Facebook ID and the tickets associated with such contacts

  • Tags in contacts or tickets that exceed 32 characters 

  • Deleted contacts on Zendesk and the tickets associated with them 

  • Article Comments on Zendesk

  • Non-supported languages (if multilingual support is enabled in Zendesk) 

  • If multilingual support is enabled in Zendesk, only the primary language will be imported. We will not be able to bring all articles into Freshdesk in this version.  

  • Inline images and hyperlinks within Zendesk.

  • We do not support reporting metrics for tickets imported from Zendesk. If you notice any reporting for your imported tickets, we recommend that you document your Zendesk reporting numbers for the same and use Freshdesk reporting for all your new tickets.


Ticket Statuses & Properties

Here's how your Zendesk statuses will be brought into Freshdesk: 





Pending (Waiting on customer)


On Hold (Waiting on Third-party)

Waiting on Third-party





Closed without assigned agent*
Closed tickets, account admin
marked as agent


Will be skipped during import

If there are tickets in your Zendesk account that are closed without any assigned agent, these tickets will be brought into Freshdesk as closed tickets and the account admin will be marked as the agent.

** Zendesk API does not allow us to fetch deleted tickets and will, therefore be skipped during import.

Note: When the names of custom fields in the Zendesk account match the names of Freshdesk default fields (such as Type, Agent, Source, Group, Priority, Description), it will be brought into Freshdesk and renamed <Zendesk_field name>

All of the custom ticket properties on Zendesk are maintained as is on Freshdesk. The only custom field format that Freshdesk doesn’t support is Regular Expression. These fields alone will be brought in and stored as a single-line text field on Freshdesk.



Public Notes

Public notes

Private notes

Private notes

*Ticket IDs on Zendesk will not have the same IDs on Freshdesk

Note: All imported Tickets will have an extra tag 'ZendeskImport' added to them.


All verified contacts on Zendesk will be brought in as verified contacts on Freshdesk.



Verified Contacts

Verified Contacts

     Unverified Contacts    Unverified Contacts

These contacts would be able to able to reset their passwords and log into the customer portal. 
By default, the format in Freshdesk for the contact name is <First Name  Last Name>.  

Note: All imported Contacts will have an extra tag 'ZendeskImport' added to them.


All of the users on Zendesk will be imported into Freshdesk. Also, all the Freshdesk-supported user custom fields will be imported as is, except the ‘regular expression’ field which will be imported into FD as a single-line text field. 

Note: All your users on Zendesk will be imported into Freshdesk irrespective of when they were created. The user import will run by default.

Agents & Groups

The agents to group mapping from Zendesk will be brought in as is to Freshdesk. 







Note: If multiple groups have the same name, they will be renamed by appending _<number> to the name. (eg. If you two groups named 'Sales' on Zendesk, they will be imported and renamed as 'Sales' and 'Sales_1' on Freshdesk.    

Knowledge base

The Kbase mapping will be as follows: 









Article Labels

Community Forums

The Forums mapping will be as follows: 







Votes (Negative votes will be set to 0
'Pin to the Top'
'Marked as sticky'
'Closed for Comments'
'Lock Topic'


  • All the imported forums from Zendesk will fall under the Default Forum Category on Freshdesk called “Freshdesk Forums”. We will create a new category named “General Forums” if it has been deleted or edited. 
  • All the Topics on Zendesk will be converted to the “Idea” forum type on Freshdesk since it supports upvotes, comments, and statuses (planned, completed, etc). 

Forum Statuses 

Forum statuses will be mapped as follows:







Not Planned

Will be skipped (Since we do not have a similar status)


Will be skipped (Since we do not have a similar status)

After the import, a list of items that have failed to come through and the corresponding logs will be displayed. This can be downloaded as a CSV file.

Please reach out to if you require further assistance