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With the Freshdesk help widget, you can embed solution articles and a contact form within your website or product. When your customers need help, they can open the widget to search through solution articles or to submit a ticket. You can watch this video to learn how to set up the help widget or read more about setting up the help widget here.

You can bring your brand to the help widget by customizing its color, background, and the position on the screen. Appearance customization of the widget is available for accounts from the Blossom (previous) and Growth (current) plans.

  • Go to Admin > Channels > Widgets and select the widget that you want to customizeClick on the Appearance tab to access the appearance customization options. Whatever changes you make to the widget will be visible on a live preview on the right.

  • You can choose a color scheme for the widget banner. You can pick from gradients that we've created for you or a solid color of your choice. You can even add a pattern on top of your color scheme.

  • If you pick a solid color, you can also choose between black or white for the banner text color.

  • You can choose between positioning the widget on the bottom left or on the bottom right. You can also offset the widget from the side and the bottom of the browser window.

  • You can pick a color for the buttons on the widget: the color of the launcher button and the button to submit the form. You can also choose between black or white for the text color.

  • You can also remove the '⚡️by Freshworks' from the widget by toggling Freshdesk branding OFF under Admin > Account > Helpdesk Settings.

Embedding the widget on your site

Once you've chosen the customer service options that need to appear on the widget, and customized its appearance, you can go to the Embed code tab and copy the widget's code. Here's a sample embed code:

Paste this code into your website or product, where you want the widget. Click here to learn about embedding the widget on your Wix or Shopify site.

When you make changes to the widget's settings after you've embedded the code on your website or product, the widget will automatically (and instantly) reflect the new changes. You can watch this 30-minute webinar to learn how to set up the help widget.

Note: Your existing embedded feedback widgets will work, and you'll be able to create new embedded widgets from the Admin > Channels > Feedback form.