When you are creating an article, multiple reviews and updates based on feedback are almost inevitable before publishing your article. Creating checkpoints after each set of updates not only makes it easy to track how your article has evolved over time, but also give you the flexibility to go back in time if things go wrong while making multiple changes to your draft.
Article versioning in your Freshdesk Knowledge Base makes this possible by enabling you to create multiple versions of an article, track the changes made in each version and restore a version when necessary.
A quick guide to create article versions
- Create an article in your Knowledge Base.
- Once you click on Save after the content is ready, a version will be created for the article that you saved and you can find this under the versions tab on the right pane of the saved article’s page
- Each version will consist of the following details: Agent who created the version, when the changes were saved, the status of the version and the changes made.
- Each time you save or publish an article after making the necessary changes, a new version will be created with the details mentioned earlier
A quick guide to tracking the changes made to an article
- Navigate to the Versions tab of the required article
- Click on the version of the article for which you would like to see the changes made to the content. This opens the Revision history page which displays all the versions along with their corresponding changes
- Enable Show changes using the toggle switch in the version section on the right, to see the changes that were made in the selected version
- You will notice that the content added to the current version will be displayed in green inside the content area on the left pane
- The content that has been removed will be displayed in red in the same area
Note: Formatting changes made in different versions will not be shown with the corresponding colour code
A quick guide to restoring a version
- Click on any of the previous versions of an article that you would like to restore, from the Versions tab on the right
- On the Revision history page, click on the Restore button on the top right corner
- This will create a new version of the article which consists of the content version you have restored
- This new version enables you to continue working on the restored version.
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