We have updated our Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Notice (Notice), which will become effective from May 25, 2020. We encourage you to read them completely and let us know if you have any questions. Here’s a quick look at what’s changed.
What are the main changes to the ToS?
You will find that we have, inter alia,
- made revisions to Export Compliance and Use Restrictions; for purposes of clarity
- made revisions to Anti-Corruption clause for purposes of clarity
- inserted a clause addressing logo usage permissions
What are the main changes to the Privacy Notice?
You will notice that we have, inter alia,
- clarified how we process customer data (known as “Service Data” in the ToS).
- clarified that any analytics performed by us on the Service Data is as permitted in the Privacy Notice.
Are there any changes to the product or service?
No, we still offer the same service and will continue to add amazing new features to improve customer support experience.
Are there any changes to the pricing and payment terms?
No, your pricing and payment terms do not change.
I have signed an Addendum or a Master Service Agreement with Freshworks. Does this update apply to me?
The changes made to our ToS do not apply to you. Unless you have been notified otherwise through an in-product notification or email, you will continue to be governed by the Addendum or Master Services Agreement you have signed with us.
If you signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.