Quick Actions enables customers to move around quickly in a bot conversation. You can allow your customers to go to the previous or a different dialog or conversation at any point in time at just a click of a button or shortcuts that you set up.

Note: Predefined buttons and the widget menu will only be availble when you’re using the bot widget. They are not supported if you use the bot on other widgets such as the Freshchat widget, Facebook widget, Whatsapp, etc.

A quick guide to setting up Quick Actions:

  • Login to your chatbot builder account as an Admin/Owner and select the bot you want to edit from the bot list page.

  • Click on the Flows > Configure > Quick actions from the menu.

  • Click the New Quick Action button to set up a new one

  • Give your quick action a name under Label

  • Define which dialog this quick action should lead to upon selection under Go to dialog

  • Choose the required type of quick action. There are three types:
    • Predefined buttons: Choose this option if the defined quick action is to be a button in the flow. This button can show up for all dialogs in the bot conversation by default by selecting the checkbox.
    • Widget menu: Choose this option if the defined quick action is to show up as part of the widget menu in the bot widget header.
    • Slash command: Choose this option if the defined quick action should be triggered by a / command in the input box. 

Note: Slash commands and widget menu options can be defined globally but are not customizable for every conversation. Preset buttons can be defined globally and are customizable for every conversation.

  • You can also make use of a new default Go back quick action, which you can use in any of your dialogs. This will enable your customer to go back to the previous menu.

Please write to freshbots-support@freshworks.com if you have any more questions; we’ll be happy to help you.

If you signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.