We have recently refreshed our branding across our offerings and changed the names of our pricing plans. If you have signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.
We assure you that this change will not impact your product experience, and no action is required on your part.

You can iterate through HTML or liquid code by using the For loop. Loops are especially useful for things like running through and displaying all the solutions under a specific folder.



{% for item in array %}<!-- Do something with each item -->{% endfor %}

You can also limit the number of iterations by using the limit parameter. 

{% for folder in category.folders limit: 6 %}

<!-- Just show the first 6 folders -->

{% endfor %}

There are times when you want to start looping from the second, fifth or the n’th item in your list. You can do this using the offset parameter.

{% for forum in portal.forums offset: 2 %}

<!-- Start the loop from the 3rd forum -->

{% endfor %}

Next: Assigning Variables