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Ticket List Views enable you to group tickets based on a defined set of criteria. You can filter out tickets by source, type, status, assigned agents, tags, products, and even the custom fields (dropdown and dependent fields only) you have created. This way, agents can set their priorities and stay customer-centric. Besides these, agents can use the Ticket List Views for changing ticket owners, deleting tickets in bulk, or export the ticket list to a CSV file.

If you wish to filter tickets based on their date of creation follow the steps below,

  1. Navigate to Tickets tab from the menu.

  2. Navigate to the Filters panel on the right, and choose the Select time period option from the Created dropdown.

  3. Under the Time period option, select the from and to dates and click on Update.

  4. Now click on Apply button to filter tickets.

How to filter tickets based on creation date in Freshdesk?

Note : Filtering tickets based on a custom date field is not possible.