Certain automations rules that run on ticket updates can remove Shared Ownership, so here's a quick guide on circumventing those rules.

How to create a new automation rule to notify the primary agent when the ticket is assigned to an internal group

  • Go to Admin > Workflows > Automations > Ticket updates tab > New Rule.

  • Create a new rule that, when a customer replies to a ticket that is set to a custom status (which is mapped to an internal group), the status is changed and set to Customer Responded on all shared tickets.

How to modify automation rules to make sure everyone’s in the loop

  • Edit the default automation rule that specifies that if a customer responds to a ticket, the ticket status changes to Open. Modify this rule to set ticket status to Open only for non-shared tickets, i.e tickets which don’t have internal groups or agents mapped.
  • You can do this by following any one of the methods given below:


Method 1: By selecting Internal group -- Is -- None under the on tickets with these properties section under Observer > Edit.

Method 2: By selecting Status -- Is not and entering all the custom statuses that have internal groups mapped to them in the on tickets with these properties section.

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