We have recently refreshed our branding across our offerings and changed the names of our pricing plans. If you have signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.
We assure you that this change will not impact your product experience, and no action is required on your part.

When you have agents working globally across various regions, a bot helping the agent in a language they best understand will improve the agent experience and efficiency. With the Assist bot's builder, you can configure multiple languages in a single pane, thus making your bot polyglot. If a particular conversation needs to be updated for another language, you can access it in the bot builder and update the conversation for just that language.

A quick guide to setting up multilingual bots:

  • Login to your Freshdesk account as Admin
  • Go to Admin > Agent Productivity > Assist bot under Freddy configuration
  • Select the bot you want to edit from the bot list page

  • Click on the ‘Multilingual’ icon from the right navigation bar

  • Make sure you have the right bot version selected from the drop-down

  • Click on the 'Add New Language' option and add all the required languages from the drop-down

  • Download the main language’s bot script by clicking on the 'Download original script' option

  • Replace the main-language text with the required translations in the script and upload the updated file against the corresponding language inside the Assist bot's builder

  • You'll also know when the file was last updated