Provide localized support to your customers by showing the bot to customers in their language. Make your customers feel at home with your brand by providing AI support in any of the fifty-four languages that we offer the Freddy Self-service bot in. You can configure the bot to provide localized support in two ways:
- Based on the locale, website, or browser language, the bot language will automatically be configured.
- You can prompt the customer to choose their preferred language and change the bot language accordingly.
- Setting up multiple languages for bots
- Changing the bot’s language based on the Locale parameter:
- Changing the bot’s language based on user preference:
Setting up multiple languages for bots
- Before setting up the parameters, you will have to set up the languages in your bot account
- Click on Flows > Configure > Multilingual, and you will see the screen to manage languages
- Select the languages in which you wish to offer support
- Once you select the language, you can download the bot script in the default language, update the new support language’s strings, and then upload it.
Changing the bot’s language based on the Locale parameter:
- While generating the bot script, enable the default parameter called language. This will include the "cstmr::lng" parameter in the script that is generated. You can prefill it with the language you need the bot to load in.
- You can also prefill this value with a variable or pass it from an external site using placeholders or Javascript functions.
Changing the bot’s language based on user preference:
- In this approach, we will ask the customer to choose the language of their preference. Create a new message in the flow, and ask the customer which language they would prefer.
Note: Please ensure that you configure the language in the multilingual section for these changes to reflect.
- Click the +Get Response button > choose Language > and pick the languages you wish to show your customers.
- Based on their choice, the bot will load the parameters for the specified language.
Please write to if you have any more questions; we’ll be happy to help you.
Note: If the file that you upload is corrupted, incorrect, or not present in your account, the bot will show up in your default language even if your customers pick a different language that you show