Automation rules that run on service task updates let you automate actions on your helpdesk when specified events occur in a service task in real-time. You can use it to modify statuses, change priorities, and even send out notification alerts as soon as the specified conditions are met. 

For example, when a field employee responds to a service task with an update, you can automatically add that as a note to the parent ticket and set service task status to “Waiting for Agent Response”. Or if a service task is closed, you can automatically close the parent ticket with the right rule.

This workflow enables your agents to stay on top of things as and when they happen, instead of having to manually check for updates.

All the rules created will be visible under Admin   Workflows → Automations → Service Tasks → Service Task Updates tab, where they can be activated, deactivated, edited, cloned or deleted. If you want to create a rule that is very similar to an existing one, use the ‘Clone’ option to duplicate that rule and make the necessary modifications. 

Please note that the ‘actions’ performed by one rule might trigger the execution of other subsequent rules as they are processed sequentially.

A quick guide to creating an automation rule to run on service task updates: 

  • Login to the helpdesk as an Administrator. 

  • Go to Admin Workflows → Automations → Service Tasks → Service Task updates tab. Click on New Rule. Give your rule a name.

  • Specify the event from the dropdown list and choose its filters. For example, if the trigger is a change in Priority, choose ‘Priority is changed’ from the dropdown list and then specify the change, say, from Low to High.

    • You can add additional triggers by clicking ‘Add new event’.

    • You can delete a trigger by clicking the Trash icon.

  • Choose which conditions should be met for the rule to be triggered.

    • Specify whether ALL of the conditions have to be present for the action to be performed, or if ANY one is sufficient.

    • You can delete a condition by clicking the Trash icon.

  • Select an action from the dropdown, and choose its filters.
    For example, if you want to set the status to Closed, select Set Status As from the first dropdown and then select Closed.

  • Once you've finished setting up all the conditions and actions, click Preview and Save.

  • For every rule you create, a summary will be auto-generated while the rule is being setup. This will be the description of that rule. 

  • Click on 'Save and Enable' to save and activate this rule on your helpdesk.

Here’s a sample rule where when a field technician responds to a service task, the status is automatically set to “Needs Agent Response”

Image 1: Select the trigger

Image 2: Set the condition and choose the action 

An automation rule to update the parent ticket when a service task is updated:

On updating a service task, if you wish the parent ticket to also be automatically updated, select "On the parent ticket" under "Perform these actions:" section

Example Scenario: When a service task status is updated to resolved or closed by the field technician, add a note to the parent ticket and close the parent ticket as well.

Here's how we can set up the rule

Image 1: Rule Name, Summary and Trigger

Image 2: Conditions

Image 3: Actions


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