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As a business, enabling your customers to log in to the ticket portal allows them to keep track of their tickets and stay on top of any ticket updates. With Advanced Ticket Filters on the Customer Portal, your end-customers can filter and view tickets based on their status. 

Earlier, the option to filter tickets was limited; customers could filter tickets only based on a set of defined statuses like, Open or pending, resolved and closed tickets.

As an Admins, you can create custom statuses so tickets can be set to the respective statuses based on their workflow. But all the granular statuses are combined within “Open or pending, resolved and closed” based on the SLA timer settings.

The new Ticket Filters bring more flexibility to the end users to fetch tickets based on granular statuses, default fields, and any custom fields they want their end users to use.

Enabling Ticket Filters on the customer portal: 

To enable ticket filters on your Customer Portal, please ensure that the below two options are enabled in your portal. Please note that this is a Portal-level setting; if you have multiple Portals, please ensure that the below steps are done on whichever portals you want the filters to be enabled.

  • Go to Admin > Portals > Edit > Portal settings > Manager sections > Tickets section 
  • Look for a check box - Allow customers to filter tickets using selected fields. Enable it and save the settings. 

  • Now, go to Admin > Ticket fields > Select any default or custom field that you want to allow your users to use as a filter > Look for “Can filter” checkbox, enable and save settings.

Note: You can make any dropdown or dependent fields filterable. Please ensure these fields are associated with a form if you use multiple ticket forms on the customer portal.

The portal settings are enabled by default; you can disable the above settings anytime if you do not want your customers to use granular filters.

If you have customized your portal, we request you to check if there is any breakage in your existing customization on the ticket list page; if you find the pages are impacted, you can immediately disable the above settings. You can re-enable the settings once you make the necessary changes to the customization on the customer portal.