Freshdesk Analytics' Top Customer Analysis helps you understand which customers have had the most interactions with your agents and lets you see trends in the kinds of tickets they've raised.

Your top 5 customers will be displayed based on the following metrics:

What it means
Tickets createdNumber of tickets created by the customer through any channel during the selected time period
Tickets reopened
Number of tickets reopened by the customer in the selected time period
Tickets resolvedNumber of tickets raised by the customer that were resolved during the selected time period
Tickets unresolvedNumber of tickets that were not resolved at the end of the selected time period
Tickets resolved within SLA %
(Resolution SLA %)
Percentage of the tickets raised that were resolved within SLA during the selected time period
Tickets first responded within SLA %
(First response SLA %)

Percentage of tickets raised that were responded to within SLA during the selected time period

Tickets not resolved within SLA
(Resolution SLA violated tickets) 
Number of tickets raised that were not resolved within the SLA during the selected time period
Tickets first responded not within SLA
(First response SLA violated tickets) 
Number of tickets raised that were not responded to within SLA during the selected time period
Agent Responses (Agent Interactions)  

Number of responses and public notes added by the agent on the customer's tickets during the selected time period

Customer responses (Customer Interaction)

Number of responses and public notes added by the customer on the tickets they raised during the selected time period

Average resolution timeAverage time taken to resolve the tickets raised by the customer
Average first response time
Average time taken to provide a first response to the tickets raised by the custo

You can use the filters to dig deeper and find out answers to specific questions, such as which company creates the most high-priority tickets.

If you signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.