We have recently refreshed our branding across our offerings and changed the names of our pricing plans. If you have signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.
We assure you that this change will not impact your product experience, and no action is required on your part.

Assigning Internal Agents and Groups using Bulk Updates:

You can also use Bulk Updates to assign a selected set of tickets to an Internal group and agent making sure to choose the status to which the Internal group(s) is mapped. 

  • Select the tickets you’d like to perform bulk actions on the Ticket List View page, and click on Bulk Update

  • Update the respective ticket Status, Internal group and agent.

  • Click on Update to execute this action.

Assigning Internal Agents and Groups using Scenarios:

You can also set up Scenarios to assign Internal agents or groups to tickets. 

  • To set up an automation, go to Admin > Agent Productivity > Scenario Automations, and click on New Scenario

  • Under Actions, you can select Assign To Internal Group/Agent as the action to be executed. If a custom ticket status hasn’t been assigned, please make sure to assign that before you add the ‘Assign to Internal Group/Agent’ action. To learn more on mapping the ticket status to the Internal group, click here

Note: The selected scenario will not be executed on tickets if the ticket status at the time of execution is not mapped to the selected Internal group.

  • You can choose the Group/Agent from the dropdown list that appears. You can also make this Scenario Automation visible to All the agents/Agents in group.

  • Click on Save.