
To access Ticket notifications, go to three-dotted menu > Settings. The users can find the agent name, email ID & URL that has been logged in. 

Notification Settings

To control the notifications you want to receive, go to Settings > Notification Settings

Select the actions for which you wish to receive notifications. You can receive notifications for

  • Status update on your tickets

  • New responses to your tickets

  • When tickets are assigned to your group or to you

  • When new tickets are created 

  • Notes that you get tagged in


  1. The person making changes won't receive notifications on their device for that change.

  2. Notifications that have been read won't be automatically cleared. You need to click the trash button on your mobile to empty it.

  3. In case your phone does not notify or your phone keeps missing notifications, please log out and log in. 

Share Feedback


Should you have some suggestions or issues that you'd like to report to Freshdesk, use the Feedback button. Your feedback will be sent to the Freshdesk support team as a ticket.


To find the privacy policy and terms of use, and attributions, click About.

Click on Logout to logout from the app.

If you signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.