Once you’ve linked your eBay account with your helpdesk, if a prospective buyer gets in touch with a question, it will be converted into a ticket in your helpdesk portal. Agents can now respond to this ticket from within the helpdesk and buyers will be able to continue the conversation seamlessly from their respective eBay accounts. When you respond to an eBay buyer from Freshdesk, he will receive it only as a message from you, the seller, on eBay. There will be no mention or image or other element signifying that you’ve used Freshdesk anywhere in any of the responses.

If the buyer has bought a product and you’ve received payment confirmation from eBay, then Freshdesk will automatically populate the contact details and add them to your helpdesk “Contacts”. Freshdesk will be able to populate contact details with appropriate data for those buyers that used the “Buy Now” option. In case of a “Bid Sale”, where the product is automatically sold to the winner of a bid, contact details won’t be accessible from the helpdesk.

In case you wish to initiate a conversation with a buyer and the contact details are available in the helpdesk, it is highly recommended that you use regular Freshdesk channels like Email and Phone.

eBay also has a “Contact the buyer” option which will allow you to send a message to your buyer and initiate a conversation. This initial message cannot be sent from your helpdesk, but as soon as your customer responds, the entire conversation (including your initial message) will be converted into a ticket and this conversation can now be continued from your helpdesk.

For a full list of possible ways to get in touch with a customer on eBay and how the tickets and conversations will be processed, check the following table.

Conversation Initiator

Sends message via

Seller responds via

Status of Tickets




Incoming message is registered as ticket in Freshdesk. Since the response from the Seller is via Freshdesk, it will be threaded as part of a conversation.




Freshdesk notices message from buyer coming in via eBay and converts it to ticket. But since the seller responds via eBay, the response will not be recorded in the thread in Freshdesk.


Freshdesk - Email or Phone


If you have the contact details for a buyer, a regular Freshdesk ticket will be created that you can respond to and otherwise manage. It is highly recommended that you engage with buyers from regular Freshdesk channels such as Email and Phone.


“Contact the buyer” option in eBay


If a seller sends a message via the “Contact the buyer” option in eBay, a ticket will be created with the Status as Closed and the message will also be visible in the Seller’s eBay sentbox. When a buyer responds to it, Freshdesk will reopen the ticket and thread the response as part of the conversation*


*NOTE: If you are responding to an eBay ticket from Freshdesk, please continue the conversation in the helpdesk itself. If you respond to a message halfway through the conversation from eBay, please note that that particular message will not be threaded with the rest of the conversation.

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