With all the related tickets linked to the Tracker, the team working on it can notify the agents on the progress by using an internal broadcast message.

Once the message is broadcasted on the Tracker ticket, it would be relayed on all the related tickets automatically. This broadcast message would be visible only to agents on the account.

  • To broadcast an internal message to agents who are assigned to related tickets, click on Broadcast

Note: Only agents who have access to the Tracker ticket will be able to send a broadcast message.

  • Enter the message and click Broadcast. The message will be sent to all the related tickets that are linked with the Tracker.

The broadcast message will be added to any new tickets linked to the Tracker. At any point of time, any related ticket will only have the last broadcasted message. That is, if a new message is broadcasted, it will replace the existing message with the new one. The agents can include the message in their replies on the related tickets using the Insert this message into reply option

Note: When a message is broadcasted from the Tracker ticket, a hardcoded email notification will be sent to the assigned agent and the watcher(s) added on the related tickets.  

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