If you signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.

We have a 'Tickets' section represented by a ticket icon and this presents all the tickets in your helpdesk. All these tickets from various 'sources' like phone, chat, social, feedback form and such (internally these channels are called sources) are all available on this list within the tickets section and we generally address it as the tickets list view.

To achieve an organized structure for accessing tickets, we have filters such as date created, last modified, due by time and other ticket properties such as status or priority. Please refer to this article on how efficiently the filters could be used. 

Further, they can be sorted as well in an ascending or descending order. This can be seen when you click on the header of the tickets queue (for example, it would say 'All tickets'). You can use the available sorting options that is depicted in the image below.