From the 30th of April 2020 (PST), Freshdesk will be moving away from the TLS 1.1 version and will disable the encryption protocol across all its services. The deprecation will have effects on all Freshdesk customers currently using TLS 1.1, and it is advised that you check if you're going to be affected.

A quick guide to checking browser and mobile OS compatibility: 

  • Desktop browser compatibility:
    Browsers released post August 2015 are TLS 1.2 compatible by default, and you need not worry about TLS 1.1 support deprecation.

    In case your browsers are not installed or updated post August 2015, use the link - to find out if this change will affect your business.

  • Mobile compatibility:
    Devices running OS versions higher as mentioned below are compatible with TLS versions 1.2 by default:
    • Android OS version 5 and above
    • IOS version 10 and above

Also, read: System and Browser requirements for Freshdesk

A quick guide to checking API compatibility:

  1. Set up an API client in a test environment. This could be any software that you are using to integrate with Freshdesk or any custom integration code that you have written.

  2. In that test environment, change the API client's endpoint hostname from to

  3. If you see a '401 Unauthorized' error, then this test passed. This response means that the underlying TLS connection was successful, despite the '401 Unauthorized' error.

  4. If you instead see an error message that involves TLS or https, then the test has failed. Your API client will require adjustments or upgrades. Please check with your client's documentation on how to upgrade to TLS 1.2 support.

Example using cURL (the following test cases were run on cURL version 7.50.0):


Output for Success:

Connected to

401 Unauthorized

Connection #0 to host left intact

{"code":"invalid_credentials","message":"You have to be logged in to perform this action."}

Output for Failure: 

Server aborted the SSL handshake

Closing connection 0

curl:  Server aborted the SSL handshake

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