Current Plan | Old Plan | Reports | Filter | Refresh Time |
Free | Sprout
| | Filter By date range | 24 Hours |
Growth | Blossom
| | All available filters except agent and group in Helpdesk In-depth Report | 24 Hours |
Pro | Garden
| All available filters except agent and group in Helpdesk In-depth Report | 1 Hour |
Pro | Estate
| All available filters | 1 Hour |
Enterprise | Forest
| All available filters |
30 minutes |
Refresh time as mentioned in the last column of the table is defined as the time it would take to update the report with all the data recorded on the helpdesk. Forest and Estate give an updated report every 30 minutes an hour respectively. Garden is again an hour and the lower plan gives them at 24 hours interval.
The option to schedule a report is available from Garden/Pro Plan onwards, for both On-Demand and Saved Reports.
Please navigate to the Reports tab -> click on the report for which you need to set this up -> click on "Create Schedule" option available next to the Report Name (or) Report View Title.
Kindly note that we do not have this option for "Satisfaction Survey" reports.
For more details, please make use of the article which elaborates about Scheduling Reports.
Agents can export tickets from under the 'Tickets' tab inside Freshdesk. The required filters can be applied and then the 'Export' button can be clicked to generate the export.
A link to the export file would be sent to the agent's email address which was used to trigger the export.
When you have meetings for which you need to present data, you would like to acquire reports from the various options presented in the reports tab. In order to document this, we make it available as a pdf.
Please navigate to the report that you require, kindly filter the information that needs to be available on paper and click on the Email PDF option at the top right corner of the page. This option could be used to receive this on your email.
Tickets that are marked as spam, deleted and those that are merged will not be considered in the Reports. The metric for that ticket will not be included.
Yes, you could use the same filters to generate the report under the Reports tab and use the "Save As" option to save the report view, multiple times with different titles.
Within each of these saved report views, you would be able to schedule the reports to be sent to a different email address or at a varied time interval.
Percentage decrease or increase of the metric that is shown is a comparison to the previous identical time range. For example, if you are looking at a metric of this month, the percentage will be a comparison of the previous month.
Just like tickets list views created within the Tickets tab, you could also create and save custom views for reports after applying the filters.
Once this is done, these are global and could be accessed on every reporting platform and you could avoid creating the views again.
Please navigate to this article which would guide you to set up the custom report views.
The option to schedule reports is available only to the Admin or Supervisor of the account.
Please navigate to Admin -> Team -> Agents -> click on edit next to the one who is not able to view the option to schedule reports to verify the role - the agent could be assigned the supervisor role, in this case, to be able to view the option.
Note: Feature to Schedule Reports is available only from the Garden/Pro Plan onwards in Freshdesk.
Sure, you would be able to schedule the report for other agents or customers.
Please navigate to the concerned report -> click on the "schedule report" icon which is green and add their email addresses along with the already entered email while scheduling a report or making changes to the existing schedule.
Note: Report scheduling is NOT possible for deleted contacts.
The Reports would be based on Business hours and SLA-related reports would be based on the setting under Admin > Workflows > SLA Policies.
Please go to the Reports tab > open the concerned report > click on the green calendar icon against the name of the report. This green calendar icon indicates that a report was earlier scheduled.
On the bottom left corner of the 'Schedule Report' pop-up, a Delete Schedule button will be available. Clicking on this button will delete the report from your account.
You can get an export of tickets that breached the SLA by heading to Reports>Agent Performance. Apply the required filters and click on First Response SLA % and Resolution SLA % and click on the number of tickets. You will see the number of tickets that have violated with all the details. You can export it as shown in the link.
Please find the limitations in the number of drill down options available for reports given below:
A maximum of 5 filters (fields) can be applied in each report.
- Each of these 5 fields can include a maximum of 50 values.
- A maximum of 25 tickets that were most recently modified will be shown when you click on a bar graph. The rest have to be exported.
As of now, we do not have the functionality to filter reports based on custom text fields, in Freshdesk.
Kindly create this field as a dropdown if possible to have them listed in the filters within the reports.
As of now, status is not available as a filter in Freshdesk.
However, under the "Tickets" tab, you could filter tickets based on Status and Agent Name and Export the filtered tickets.
Freshdesk reports mainly focus on the various metrics that can be calculated from tickets from different sources like the portal, email, social, chat or phone.
These values that are displayed in a report using which you can filter the data presented are the ones that exist in your ticket form or fields that you use within the portal.
The default values of the ticket form cannot be changed in order for it to be reflected so in reports. You could always contact us ( to understand what are the fields you want to report on and we could guide you accordingly.
The ability to filter based on the Agents and Groups is only available from the Estate/Pro plan onwards.
However, the Agent and Group performance reports have this option on all plans.
The ability to filter Helpdesk In-depth Report based on group and agent name is available only from the Estate/Pro Plan onwards in Freshdesk.
Kindly check your plan details in Admin -> Account -> Plans and billing.
No, the email notifications or automated responses will not be counted as an agent response in the reports.
Please navigate to Admin -> Workflows -> Ticket Fields to set up a custom dropdown field for Country/Location which would be available on the ticket form once saved.
Kindly go to the Reports tab -> click on filter within the concerned report -> under "more" this field is available which could be applied and the report could be generated.
Merged tickets would not be taken into consideration while generating reports in the Reports tab.
Please navigate to Reports -> Agent Performance Reports where you could see the metric called "Tickets re-assigned."
This value would be the number of tickets that were re-assigned from one agent to another. This report could be further filtered by agents to see this metric displayed for the concerned agent who has been reassigned tickets from another agent.
Both closed as well as resolved tickets would be taken into account for the resolved tickets count while generating reports.
First Response SLA% = The percentage of the number of tickets where the first responses were sent within the SLA divided by the total number of tickets on which the first responses were sent in a selected time period within the filters on the reports.
Resolution SLA% = The percentage of the number of tickets resolved within the SLA divided by the total number of tickets resolved during the selected time period within the filters.
The performance reports take half an hour to get updated on the Forest/Enterprise plan and an hour on the Estate/Pro plan.
For the accounts in Garden/Growth plan, it takes four hours and on the other two - sprout/Free and blossom, it takes 24 hours for an update.
When a ticket is re-opened multiple times it is taken as a single count during report generation.
It would show the number of tickets that were reopened during that given time-period upon applying the filter within the concerned report.
FCR% = % of Number of tickets resolved after the first contact made by the customer divided by the total number of tickets resolved in the selected time period.
First Response SLA% = % of Number of tickets whose first responses were sent within the SLA divided by the total number of tickets whose first responses were sent in the selected time period.
Average 1st response time = Total time taken to send the first response during the selected time period divided by the number of tickets whose first responses were sent in the selected time period.
Kindly go through this link for detailed information about the metrics in Agent Performance Report.
The time period within Business hours would only be considered for calculating the response time metrics in the Reports.The time period that was elapsed outside Business hours is excluded while calculating metrics within the Reports tab.
The number of Overdue Tickets for an agent can be found from within the Agent Performance Report.
The metric corresponding to Resolution SLA could be clicked upon, which would display the list of corresponding tickets. Under the "Violated" tab in that list, you would get the number and list of Overdue Tickets.
You could have this tracked with the Tickets re-assigned metric in "Group Performance" Report. This would show the number of tickets that were re-assigned to that group. Please navigate to Reports -> click on group performance report -> and filter by the concerned group to see this metric specifically.
You could also click on that count to see that list of tickets that were reassigned from the Garden plan.
Please Navigate to the Reports tab ->click on Agent Performance Report to see this metric.
The Responses metric would denote the number of replies sent by the agent. You could also use the Filter option, to generate this metric based on the filtered conditions and for particular agents.
The non business hours will not be calculated in reports. The resolution time would be the number of business hours from the ticket creation time to the resolution time(Not considering the SLA running on the ticket).
Any call that is not picked up by an agent would be shown as an Unanswered Call. If there are no agents to pick calls the unanswered call would be marked under "No Agent".
The response time does not depend upon the Status of a Ticket.
So, if a ticket is moved to Waiting on Customer or Pending, the time spent in those statuses would also be considered for response time.
The Top-Customer Analysis Report would display metrics on which Company raises the most or least tickets.
To have ticket metrics displayed on this report, you would first have to associate Customers to Companies. Once this is done, the tickets raised by the requesters from a company would be tracked and the report on Top five Companies (based on ticket volume) would be generated.
There is a toggle button to see the top 5 and bottom 5 customers in each metric by clicking on the sort button in the top right corner.
If you would like to get a report on each/all contacts and companies and not just the top/bottom 5, you can use the Export option from the Ticket List View where you can filter the tickets by Contacts or Companies.
We have a newly added report that gives you the dynamics of a resolved or completed ticket to track the changes made to it which include SLA violations, reassignments and the response time recorded on them.
This is called "Ticket Lifecycle" which aids this in depth studying of the activity on each ticket that can be filtered using these parameters: time period, customer, source, priority, product, SLA violated, at least once in a group, at least once in agent and at least once in status.
Kindly note that this is available from the Estate/Pro plan and above. Documentation on this is given below:
The new dashboard contains Admin, Supervisor and Agent Snapshot with metrics that are role specific. These metrics would be made available on the Dashboard, as part of the drop-down with text "Standard". This feature is available from the Estate/Pro Plan onwards in Freshdesk.
The dashboard is available in three types of snapshots :
1. Admin Snapshot
2. Supervisor Snapshot
3. Agent Snapshot
These are role-based snapshot and would be available to the agent based on their role. i.e for an Admin of the Account, only Admin Snapshot would be available.
Please navigate to the "Dashboard" and click on the dropdown with the label "Standard" and then select "Admin Snapshot" from the drop-down. You could then view the reports for the Admin Dashboard, with metrics for the Helpdesk.
The agent snapshot would give detailed reports and tasks for that specific agent, while the admin snapshot would comprise of the reports and tasks for the whole Helpdesk (Today's Ticket Trend,Available agents,Top 10 Customers by Unresolved Tickets and so on).
The various sections of the Admin Dashboard are not real-time. Today's ticket trends and Group Performance would be updated once every 30 minutes ( based on your helpdesk time zone ). The other reporting metrics for the Helpdesk would be updated 10 minutes.
For the Group Performance section, there is an upper limit of 50 groups that could be displayed. If the number of groups is more than 50, the top 50 groups based on ticket volume would be listed first.
The ticket export takes into account the merged tickets which are not included in the count for the reports.
For example, if three tickets are merged together, the reports will see that as one ticket; whereas the ticket export would see them as separate tickets. This is one of the reasons for a discrepancy in ticket count.
Merged tickets would not be taken into consideration while generating reports in Analytics
Please refer to How do I export my tickets from Freshdesk to export tickets from List view.
Under the reports tab, when you click on Filter beneath the concerned report, you would only see the dropdown and dependent dropdown fields. Fields such as Single line texts, Check-boxes, etc. are not included.
For a data dump of all the fields, please navigate to the Tickets tab -> and do an export (highlighted in blue) from the right side of the tickets list view.
To make the new Reports more informative, we have made changes in the Architecture model of its working.
As you might have noticed, we have added a number of new event-based metrics like Number of Ticket Reopened, Number of Notes Added, Number of Responses Added, Number of Tickets Reassigned, etc. All these metrics could not have been supported by the previous architecture.
In the current model, data for the accounts in the Forest/Enterprise plans will be pushed out in half an hour and in an hour for the Estate/Pro.
It is updated every four hours in the arden/Growth plan; for the Sprout/free and Blossom plans, it will be pushed out once every 24 hours.
In the current reporting model, data for the accounts in the Forest/Enterprise plan would be pushed out in half an hour and in an hour for the Estate/Pro.
It is updated every four hours for the Garden/Growth plan. When you are in the other two plans (Blossom or Sprout/Free), it would be pushed out once every 24 hours.
So the changes would reflect according to the plan you are on and when the reports are being updated in your system.
The reports tab on your Freshdesk Account would be visible for all agents with the associated Agent Role as Supervisor and above.
Any agent who is associated with this role would be able to view the Reports to get Helpdesk Metrics. Also, they would be able to schedule reports to be sent over to specific email addresses, periodically.
If you require business-specific metrics to be derived from Tickets in your account, you could make use of the Ticket Activities Export feature within Freshdesk. Using this feature, you could extract ticket information as a JSON file into your BI tools and thereby extract metrics from the ticket activities.
This way, you could create custom reports containing any metric from ticket activities, based on your business requirements.
Ticket Volume Trends should help you with this metric.
Navigate to Analytics > Curated reports > Ticket Volume Trends > Load Analysis. You can view the number of tickets received on a daily basis for the set date range.